How to Store Firewood

One of the big differences between heating with firewood and other forms of energy is, you are going to have to store the wood somewhere. Firewood storage is simple, there are just a few key things that that you should know. The tips below will help you avoid some of the common mistakes people make storing firewood.

How to Store Firewood to Keep it Dry

It may seem like keeping firewood dry would be as simple as throwing it on the ground and putting a tarp over it. In some cases it is. In many cases, that is a bad idea. If your wood is wet or green, a tarp can inhibit air flow and greatly slow down the drying. Wood will also absorb moisture from the ground.

Keeping the wood off the ground will help it stay clean, dry and prevent rotting. A concrete slab, pavement, well drained gravel are all good surfaces to store firewood on. Anything like pieces of lumber, plywood, a tarp or plastic sheeting will help. A tarp is not ideal, since water can pool on it. But it will help keep the wood clean and away from soil better than nothing at all. I have even stored wood on old discarded carpet. Carpet worked well to keep it clean, although the bottom pieces did get wet.

A common thing I see people do as soon as they get firewood is to throw a tarp over it. This can be fine if the wood is already dry. But if the wood is green or wet, it needs to be exposed to the open air so it will dry. If you must cover it, at least leave the sides open and just cover the top of the pile. This way air can still circulate into the pile and help it dry. I see a lot of people cover the pile all the way to the ground. This just seals in moisture ensuring that it will stay wet. Lack of airflow can cause moisture to condense on the underside of the plastic.

Storing Firewood in a Shed

A firewood shed is a great way to store firewood once it is dry. But wood will usually dry faster if you put it outside and expose it to the sun and wind, when the weather is dry. If you need to dry the wood in the shed, make sure there is good air circulation. This is where open walled sheds are great. A lot of people like to dry the wood in the summer or dry season outside. Once it’s dry, bring it into the shed. Wood will still dry in a shed, but will dry faster outside if the weather is dry.

There are ideal ways to store firewood where you can do everything perfectly by the book. But then you can also consider that it is just wood that you are going to burn. Sometimes doing things the “best way” or the recommended way is not ideal or practical for your situation. Sometimes you have to weigh the cost of the labor and expense of storing it properly vs. just doing it in a way that is good enough for firewood. However you do it, simply making sure your wood gets good air circulation, keeping it off the soil will greatly improve your firewood experience.

In some cases there may be local codes and regulations for how firewood is stored. Be sure and check your local building codes and with local fire officials.

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