Peeled Logs

Peeled LogsWe can provide hand peeled logs from several hardwood and softwood tree species in the Northwest. All of our wood products come from privately owned and sustainable managed forest land.

Hand peeling is more labor intensive, but it creates a superior product. When the bark is stripped off by hand, it leaves the log whole in it’s natural form. This leaves a smooth surface with all the contours of the natural log intact.

Logs are commonly peeled with mechanical peelers, which not only removes the bark, it also splinters and peels off some of the outer wood. This produces a uniform diameter log, but takes away from its character and can reduce its strength.

We specialize in small peeled poles and small logs that are harvested from overstocked stands of timber. The smaller understory trees are removed to allow more space and resources for the larger trees. These smaller trees are slower growing, which produces tight grained wood, which is more dense and strong than faster growing wood. It also results in very small knots, and in some cases a clear knot free surface.

Most of the softwood log material is Douglas fir, with some incense cedar, ponderosa pine, and sugar pine. Hardwood species available are pacific madrone and manzanita.

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  1. Looking for 8 hand pelled poles.
    Approximately 12”diameter by 10-12’ long. Cedar would be my preference. Let me know if you have or can do this. And Cost

  2. Hello, I’ve been wanting to be involved in forestry my whole life. It’s all I wanna do. I attended OSU up until my senior year until a variety of factors made me give up. I’m currently unemployed and am obsessed with forestry. All aspects of it. I have experience in timber cruising, silviculture, logging (hand felling, processing, running a shovel and the pre harvest unit layout and design. I think working with you would be an amazing experience. I don’t have an impressive resume and I’ve made a lot of mistakes. I need to find someone willing to give me a chance. I’m very motivated. If you or anyone you know needs help please reach out to me!

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